The Meaning of the Logo

Coffee Pot references what goes in the Majlis “gathering of groups that have interest in discussing subjects” This is popular in the Middle East and Persian Gulf region. The pot is tilted and pouring coffee references our hospitality to anyone that joins us. The R made into a cup shows we are open to receive all point of views with an open mind.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

RIM CEO: If You’re Going to Ban the BlackBerry, You Might as Well Ban the Internet Too

Research in Motion (RIMM) co-CEO Michael Lazaridis, has went on a rampage PR with his CTO regarding countries asking for same treatment in viewing the encrypted data. RIM thinking is that they know best for national security and what is the harm from having those countries data stored at RIM in Canada. WOW RIM must thing we are stupid, oh wait they did say that in the article link below!

I used to be an advocate for Blackberry devices, now after this attitude from RIM, I say adios BB, time to switch to Android phones or iPhone. If they are trying to sell us on the illusion of security then I'm not buying it. Would they guarantee me a security for my data if the USA came knocking saying Patriot Act we would like to see XYZ account?

Grow up RIM, you couldn't generate a buzz with your latest Torch device now you trying your best to lose more customers. Do not get cocky, PALM did at one point and see where they at now. Doesn't take too long for you to lose your top position, I do hope Google or Apple come up with a better solution to take more business away from you now.

Coa, Adios, Bye bye RIM

1 comment:

  1. What you know, RIM yielded to India. They could have played nice, but nope they thought they run the show.
    So much for his remarks that RIM needs to teach them Internet and Computer Science.
