The Meaning of the Logo

Coffee Pot references what goes in the Majlis “gathering of groups that have interest in discussing subjects” This is popular in the Middle East and Persian Gulf region. The pot is tilted and pouring coffee references our hospitality to anyone that joins us. The R made into a cup shows we are open to receive all point of views with an open mind.

Monday, August 24, 2009

EVSC and Artificial turf; real beauty

On Aug 22, 2009 Evansville Courier & Press published an article titled: “Artificial turf; real beauty”
Link provided below:

On June 3, 2007, Vincent Bertram (EVSC Superintendent) said his Harvard experience showed him how "education policy decisions have long-term consequences for children." Also on March 17, 2008 he said "Educating all children to high levels requires a community effort."
I fail to see how spending $800K on fake grass that last only 10 years ($80K/Year) is a step forward towards education!

While the five $1,500 scholarships recently awarded to EVSC high school graduates who are furthering their education are a great reward for those kids; we just showed them though that spending more on fake grass supersede their future.
EVSC could have spent the $80k/year wisely such as awarding a full scholarships to high school graduates who excel not only academically but in sports, what a great news article that would been seeing for example 8 of our future kids have a $10K scholarship. OR, not charging the $70/year for the new Netbooks, or hiring more teachers. Instead I read about $800K fake grass and how it will be green in October!

Well the grass will not be greener when the US slips again in ranking in science, math and reading. On August 18th, 2009 the U.S. Students' Rankings on International Assessments were released and to no surprise other countries are passing us. According to U.S. Secretary Arne Duncan :”… while other countries' students are swimming faster and farther. Our students have stagnated educationally, putting our long-term economic security at risk.” In math, our 15-year-olds' scores now lag behind those of 31countries. In science, our eighth graders' scores now lag behind their peers in eight countries that had also participated in the original assessment. In reading, five countries have improved their performance and surpassed our 4th graders.
So yes Evansville Vanderburgh SPORT Corporation, let us reward those 3 schools that are on either Academic Watch or Probation and tell our students its OK you are failing academically but we will have a green grass in October. EVCS needs a new leadership with longer term outlook that enhances our future generation and propel us to the 21st century and stop our dependence on migrating our technical expertise overseas.

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